SR 530 Update: Oso Strong
By Tyler Kimberley, IMCO President.

OSO, WA - After over a month of supporting the search and recovery efforts following the Oso Landslide, IMCO received Notice to Proceed on the WSDOT SR530 Roadway Clearing project on May 6th. This contract transitioned IMCO’s effort to cleaning up the mud and debris from Highway 530. The contract requires the roadway to be cleared by June 5th and crews have been working around the clock, seven days a week since May 9th to achieve this. In two weeks IMCO crews have moved almost 120,000 tons of mud and debris, including over 11,000 tons in one 24-hour period. With this accomplishment the crews are taking a much-needed and well-deserved break for Memorial Day weekend and returning to work on Tuesday.
The safe manner in which crews are approaching this difficult work is extremely impressive. To date, there have been zero safety incidents and the teams are working very hard to deliver the project safely while adhering to the aggressive project schedule. Operators are working alongside WSDOT spotters hired from the local community to inspect the dirt and debris before it is loaded on trucks. The spotters’ safety is one of our top priorities. News reports have been somewhat misleading about the safety of the site. IMCO personnel have done an exceptional job maintaining a high level of safety during every minute on-site. L&I visited the site this week and was complimentary, commenting on how meticulously clean and organized the jobsite was.
WSDOT, National Forestry personnel, local leaders, and many others have expressed to IMCO personnel how impressed they are with our operation and personnel. The Superintendent received an email from an emergency response leader saying it was a pleasure to work with IMCO employees, who are amazing individuals that are very emotionally attached to the recovery effort. Employees were concerned about the feelings and emotions of the community.
We are all heavy hearted to be involved in the disaster that is the Oso Landslide. Witnessing the devastation and working side by side with the grieving community has been life changing. The IMCO personnel who have been working at the slide site have handled the sensitive nature of the job and needs of the heartbroken community with respect and compassion.
Thank you to the crews for your hard work on this physically and emotionally draining project. I couldn’t be more proud to be a part of this company.