ENR's 2020 Photo Contest Winner
Showcasing a collection of the world’s greatest construction photography taken in the past year

IMCO's Rocky Reach Trash Boom Float Installation project was featured in the ENR's 2020 Year in Construction Slideshow for it's winning photo taken by Will Austin of Will Austin Photography.
The project was located in Wenatchee, Washington and included installation of a trash-boom float and replacement of cable that forms part of a system that collects debris and large objects flowing in the river before they reach the dam.
"Will Austin spent more than an hour perched over the edge of a dock to get this shot of saturation diver Cory Finkle, submerged in the cold October waters of the Columbia River to attach cable and hardware to Rocky Reach Dam. Finkle would surface just a few times in that span. "I just had to wait like a hunter," says Austin. He caught one of those moments here, as Finkle initiated hand signals to the crane operator holding the line that the diver was attaching... It was all in a day's work for contractor IMCO, a firm that is "very good at pulling off difficult things quickly and safely," says the photographer."
The full article and all photo winners featured in the ENR's 2020 Year in Construction Slideshow can be viewed here.