
IMCO Partners with Housing Hope

On October 1st and 2nd, IMCO donated labor and expertise in the form of an eight-person crew to Housing Hope’s Monroe Family Village complex in Monroe, Washington. Together with Housing Hope personnel, IMCO’s crew surveyed the... Read More

'La Conner Weekly News' Article Featuring the Fir Island Project

La Conner Weekly News article by Alexander NorthA link to the full article can be found here."Congressman Rick Larsen visited La Conner and Fir Island on Friday, touring Hedlin Farms and the Fir... Read More

Crews at IMCO's City of Everett Water Pollution Control Facility Phase C Expansion project install silver dome atop new Trickling Filter No. 3 structure (Time-Lapse)

Video of 3325 TF Lid Pick Crews at the City of Everett WPCF Phase C Expansion Project lifted the big silver dome on top of the new Trickling Filter No. 3 earlier this month.

IMCO Hosts Legislators at I-90 Project

Thank you to our 1-90 project team for hosting Representative Tana Senn, Representative Luanne Van Werven, and AGC of Washington representatives yesterday for a site visit and industry presentation. It was a fun day and an honor... Read More

Holden Mine & Holden Village Evacuated Due to Wolverine Creek Fire

See the full Wolverine Creek Fire News Release

Holden Mine Site Evacuating Due to Forest Fire

All personnel are being evacuated from the Holden Mine site today and tomorrow due to proximity of forest fires. Chelan County Sheriff's Office has called for evacuation by tomorrow. Work will resume when it's safe to do so and... Read More

The DIRT Quarterly Newsletter Volume 21 Highlights

Open Volume 21:thedirt_vol.21_highlights_for_screen.pdf

Fir Island Farms Estuary Restoration Groundbreaking Event

A great kick-off to a great project!  Yesterday marked the official beginning of this important multi-year project that restores estuary habitat for juvenile salmon and improves a treasured snow goose reserve.  Pictures show IMCO... Read More

Work on the Skagit Wildlife Area Fir Island Farm Ecosystem Restoration Project is underway

IMCO's Skagit Wildlife Area - Fir Island Farm Ecosystem Restoration Project is underway this month, working for client Washington Department of Fish & Wildlife. 
